Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November Kenny K team A JIC

Just Inspirational Challenge - Kenny K

Hello Peeps,
Back again for another team A JIC Challenge
and this week we have been sponsored by the Awesome Kenny K
I love there images. Just cant get enough of the Kenny K range I find there is something to suit all occasions
This week The JIC inspiration is glitter
How easy is that? We all have a small stash of glitter or in my case a large stash.
 I love my bling!
So to join in on the JIC all you need to do is add glitter to your project and add it to the blog here
for your chance to win a great prize from Kenny K
this is what I came up with from the inspirational photo and the sponsors image
Is'nt she great? All her fur trim has been glittered as well as the wood chip embellishments
This is my first Christmas card for the year. It's a good start
so Now it's your go Get onto the JIC blog and upload your craft project and don't forget to add your glitter Cant wait to see what you come up with
Thanks for looking

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