March DT for Crafter's Cupboard
hello Peep's
It's Dannii here with another monthly tutorial for the crafter's cupboard.
My mum came for a visit last month and we spent a day shopping together. She's such a sweet heart, she brought me a gorgeous hand painted leather handbag of an Owl. This got me thinking about painting my own type of handbags.
So whilst out shopping this week I came across these cheap tote bags and figured it would be the ideal style to give handbag painting a crack.
Then used a credit card to swipe the paint using paper Artsy Fresco Jade over the front of the bag
Then using a soft grey lead once the paint was dry, I used a ranger heat gun to speed up the process and quickly sketched out a face for the front of the bag.
Once I was happy with the sketch. I used my flesh coloured paint mixed with textile medium to block in the face and paper Artsy Fresco prawn to block in the hair.
Making sure I gave the face quite a few coats between drying.
Once I was happy with the coverage
I used a Paper Artsy stencil PS016 and Paper Artsy fresco paint little black dress to decorate the background around the face.
Once I added the background I used paper Artsy chalk and my flesh paints to add highlights to the face.
Then Irish cream and cinnamon was added for shadows.
A touch of Prawn and flesh was added to the checks lips and throat for blush
and the eyes were worked on with the cinnamon and Irish cream
Once I was happy with the flesh tones
more work was added to the eyes using Jade for the Iris
and adding more highlights to the face and hair using paints, ink intense pencils and pitt pens
the face is nearly completed at this stage just a few more details to the eyes adding highlights
and brighter colour to the lips using Posca pens and pitt pens
Once I am happy with the over all look of the face. It's back to the background
stamping with prawn and chalk and adding a butterfly from Dina Wakley stamp set
Scrbbly insects - MDR44499
to the hairline and colouring it with silks
which is also ideal for painting on fabrics
I am pretty happy with the out come of the bag and the textile medium was great to work with as it kept the paint wetter longer so I was able to blend well with the paints.
the paint with the help of the textile medium has stuck down well and appears to have set in to the fabric. I don't know if I will give it a coat of mod podge or not I really don't think it's need. I have given it a good scrub and wiped it down with a wet sponge with no paint peeling or lifting. So hopefully this tote will be quite useful in carrying my products to art journal class as well as being an original and pretty bag to look at.
All the materials I have used can be purchased from Crafter's Cupboard here
I am off to the shops now to buy a few more of these bags. There going to be great presents for family and friends
Give it a go this was really an easy project to make
I hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to leave a comment
I love to hear from you all
Until next time
get out there play, create and enjoy with mixed media.